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Мобильное приложение MyCareOregon

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Download the MyCareOregon app

Download the MyCareOregon mobile app to access benefit information on your smart phone! The MyCareOregon mobile app is available for Android and iOS and is available in multiple languages. Self-serve tools within the app can help you navigate your benefit information. 

A smart phone with the MyCareOregon mobile app, displaying a CareOregon member ID card.

MyCareOregon mobile app features

With the MyCareOregon mobile app, you can access the following from your smart phone: 

  • Digital member ID card and other benefits information
  • Medical prescriptions and refill schedule
  • Medical appointment history
  • Primary care provider contact information
  • Dental provider contact information
  • CareOregon provider directory
  • CareOregon Customer Service
  • Request language interpretation services
  • Request medical transportation services
  • Available in English, Spanish, Vietnamese, Russian, Chinese, Somali and Arabic
A black button that allows users to download the app; the button says, ”Download on the App Store” with the Apple logo. A black button that allows users to download the app; the button says, ”Get it on Google Play” with the Google logo in a triangular shape.

Scan this QR code with your phone to download the app

A qr code

Questions? Contact our support team

If you encounter any issues while downloading or navigating the mobile app, contact MyCareOregon support at 833-575-0656