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Wellness check-ups help your child flourish

Children grow and change quickly. That's why primary care providers (PCPs) want to see their young patients regularly, even when they're not sick. These are special appointments called well-child visits.

Ask your children’s PCP when they’re due for their next well-child visit! CareOregon covers well-child visits — there is no cost for them.

Children grow and develop the fastest as babies. Your pediatrician or other family provider will want to see your baby often between birth and 2½ years old. At these visits, providers check to see if babies are growing as expected. This helps doctors prevent problems or find them early. Giving kids the extra help they need when they're very young can make a big difference for their future.

Children and teens 3 to 19 years old typically see their PCP for one well-child visit each year.

Learn more about early and periodic screening, diagnosis and treatment (EPSDT) services.

What happens at well-child visits?

Depending on your child’s age, the providers may:

  • Measure your child’s height, weight and head size.
  • Do a complete physical exam.
  • Check for normal developmental milestones.
  • Let you know what to expect from your child at this stage in terms of growth, behavior and emotions.
  • Screen for vision, hearing and blood pressure.
  • Explain health topics that are important for your child’s age.
  • Discuss diet, sleep and safety.
  • Ask if you have health questions or concerns.
  • Give needed vaccines.

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Let us help you

Send us a secure message through our Member Portal at careoregon.org/portal or call us at 503-416-4100, toll-free 800-224-4840 or TTY 711. We can help you get started with benefits for your kids.