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Top 3 ways to protect your kids’ teeth

Feb 25, 2022, 08:00 AM

Top 3 Prenatal Dental Tips


1) Regular brushing/flossing + visits to the dentist = less bacteria in your mouth 

2) Less bacteria in your mouth = less bacteria being shared with your baby  

3) Less bacteria being shared with your baby = fewer early childhood cavities

Top 3 Newborn/Infant Dental Tips

1) Use a soft cloth to clean baby's gums and mouth

2) To avoid tooth decay, switch from bottles to cups for drinking milk or water at 12 months or earlier

3) Brush with a rice-sized amount of fluoride toothpaste twice a day for kids under age 3

Top 3 Dental Tips for Children

1) Brush with a pea-sized amount of fluoride toothpaste twice a day for kids over age 3

2) Support children with their brushing and flossing until 8 years of age

3) Limit sugary, cavity-causing drinks, like juice or soda

Top 3 Dental Tips for Adolescents


1) If your child plays sports, protect their teeth by using a mouthguard

2) Limit sugary, cavity-causing drinks, like soda or sports and energy drinks

3) Be careful with mouth piercings since they can cause infections, chips or broken teeth