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Новости и пресс-релизы

Good in the Hood снова здесь, 26-27 июня

Jun 24, 2021, 15:00 PM


Once again, we’re proud sponsors of the Good in the Hood Multicultural Festival taking place this weekend, June 26-27.

What is Good in the Hood? Well, if you missed the article we did about them for Black History Month, it’s one of the best neighborhood multi-cultural festivals that Portland has to offer. Their mission is to host a family friendly event for community members, businesses, and organizations where they can share their resources, enjoy music, food and merchandise from small businesses. The goal of the festival is to provide scholarships and ‘Strengthen Unity in the Community’.

Scholarship recipients

In past years, the number of scholarships awarded have ranged from 3-5 students. This year, through CareOregon's increased investment in community education, 15 excellent students will receive Good in the Hood scholarships. We want to give them a special shout out.

Good in the Hood event posterThey are

  • Amira Tripp Folsom – American University
  • Asukulu Songolo – Stanford University
  • Christine Bynum - Spelman College
  • Eric Harris – Portland Community College
  • Hadiyah Woods - Prairie View A & M University
  • Hanna Whitescorn - OHSU School of Nursing
  • Jala Harper - Seattle University
  • Jonathan Eyasu - George Fox University
  • Justice English - University of Oregon
  • Kai Ingram - Spelman College
  • M'munga Songolo - Boston University
  • Marlejes (Marley) Padilla-Honl - Clark College
  • Raven Pearce - University of Oregon
  • Tamia Miller - University of San Francisco
  • Yena Perice - Smith College

Congratulations to all 15! These scholarship recipients have shown excellence in their commitment to the community through academic achievement, activism, leadership and volunteerism. Each will receive a $2,000 scholarship. CareOregon is proud to invest in their futures as they continue their excellence at their respective schools. They are all a great example of the CareOregonEffect!

The Festival

Last year's event was canceled due to COVID-19. This year's festival will be a virtual online event, full of great music, catered food and prizes. The livestream will be hosted on three different platforms: Facebook Live, Youtube, and Vimeo.

a woman and her younger children in a park Go to goodnthehood.org/2021-festival to pre-register and for all the information about entertainment, food and prizes. It’s FREE to attend.

While you do not have to pre-register for the event, it is highly recommended, as it will be the easiest way to receive updates on the day of the event. They are also giving away prizes prior to the event based on that list alone. Prizes Include: Wine tasting for four, tickets to a private concert, a bike, T-shirts and more. During the event they are giving away 250 basketballs, 100 helmets, and an autographed Blazers team ball.

Everything you need to know about the festival is here at https://www.goodnthehood.org/2021-festival.html

Эффект CareOregon

Каждый день CareOregon помогает сотням тысяч жителей Орегона получить медицинское обслуживание, которого они заслуживают. Но хорошее здоровье – это больше, чем просто здравоохранение. That’s why we invest in programs that help people get housing, healthy food, job training, education and more. Жизнь наших участноков программ затрагивает бесчисленное множество других жизней. И когда они сильнее, мы все сильнее. That’s the CareOregon Effect.

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