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Празднование Недели CNA, 17-24 июня

Jun 17, 2021, 07:00 AM


June 17-24 is National Career Nursing Assistants Week. CNAs play an important role in the health care community and create a culture of safety. They bring wisdom and stability to the care setting through a wide repertoire of skills. They also bring the sunshine and gentleness to daily lives of their patients.

Dee Dee Bacon, CNAWe interviewed Dee Dee Bacon, a CNA from Housecall Providers about what she does and why she does it. Here’s what she had to say.

Q: How long have you been a CNA, and what brought you to this line of work?

A: I have been a CNA for 20 years. I was brought to this line of work by the desire to help patients and their families who didn't have the resources or knowledge to provide care.

Q: What does a CNA do and who are your primary clients?

A: As a CNA, I help provide ADLS (activities of daily living) such as bathing to patients. My primary patients are Hospice patients. These people usually have six months or less to live

Q: Where have you found the most satisfaction in what you do as a CNA?

A: I find the most satisfaction when I can provide comfort and care to people who need it.

Q: How does working for Housecall Providers separate you from traditional settings?

A: I think that we are more focused on the patients and their comfort than most traditional settings.

Q: What advice or mantra do you have for those looking to get into this line of work?
A: To provide the best care possible and be free to joke around and talk to people. A lot of people need to know that we see them as human beings and not just a job. Also, know how to separate work and home. You can't take the job home with you. If you do it will wear on you.

Housecall Providers is a CareOregon company with a vision of improving lives by bringing health care home. They embrace the diversity of their employees, patients, and those who care for them.


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