ВНИМАНИЕ: Температура повышается 4-6 сентября. В этой ситуации вам может помочь наша информация по экстремальной жаре.

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Запросы средств массовой информации

CareOregon работает с несколькими общественными партнерами, чтобы помочь людям получить медицинскую помощь, жилье, работу, образование, здоровую пищу и многое другое. Помощь даже одному человеку или семье может сделать целое сообщество сильнее. Это то, что мы называем «эффект CareOregon».

Пожалуйста, свяжитесь с нами для получения дополнительной информации. Мы приветствуем ваши запросы на интервью с экспертами CareOregon или нашими членами, на получение справочной информации или для организации приглашенного докладчика для вашей организации. 

Свяжитесь с:

Erich Ericson
Вице-президент по брендингу, маркетингу и коммуникациям

Наши области специализации включают в себя:

  • План медицинского обслуживания штата Орегон (программа Medicaid)
  • Программа Medicare
  • Медицинские кабинеты
  • Совершенствования в условиях медицинских учреждений
  • Ориентированный на человека (он же ориентированный на пользователя) дизайн в здравоохранении
  • Советы участников программ и их активистская работа
  • Инновационные подходы к благополучию участников программ
  • Политика в области здравоохранения 

Руководство по стилю бренда

Если вы хотите поделиться информацией о CareOregon, пожалуйста , нажмите здесь, чтобы ознакомиться с нашим Руководством по стилю бренда для лучших практик.

Последние новости, пресс-релизы и обновления

Письмо сообществу от Эрика К. Хантера, президента и главного исполнительного директора CareOregon

Apr 10, 2020, 15:00 PM
For more than 25 years, CareOregon has used input from our members and our health care providers to craft innovative solutions that benefit communities throughout Oregon. We have experience putting members at the forefront and helping them to thrive in uncertain and changing times. Providing steadfast support to our members and our community stakeholders regardless of what is happening in the world is what we strive to do each day. We call it the CareOregon Effect.

CareOregon currently serves more than 375,000 Oregon Health Plan (Medicaid) and Medicare members through three coordinated care organizations and our Medicare Advantage dual special needs plan. By listening to our members and exploring forward-thinking solutions with our providers and communities, we help Oregonians prevent illness and live better lives. Every day, we strengthen our communities by making health care work for everyone.

The health of our members is paramount. We are working with our strong network of providers to set up additional avenues for members to access their doctors, including new telehealth options. We want our members to stay connected to the social, behavioral, oral, and physical health care they need during the COVID-19 outbreak, and we are working closely with federal and state officials to allow visits via telephone and video. These avenues allow members to continue getting the care they need when they need it, while reducing barriers that result from social distancing. We encourage those who are experiencing symptoms of anxiety or depression due to social isolation to reach out for help by contacting our partners at Lines for Life (linesforlife.org, 800-273-8255).

In addition to the challenges our members face during this difficult time, our provider and community partners are also under duress. We are working closely with our partners to support creative funding plans. At the same time, we are focused on maintaining quality without creating extra administrative burden, so caregivers can focus on the immediate needs of our members.

Additionally, CareOregon is working tirelessly with community-based organizations throughout the state to better support immediate needs. In response to the outbreak, we are strategically reallocating $1 million of funding through our Community Giving Grant program to assist local organizations and help them continue to offer food security, shelter and rental assistance to our communities.

To apply for assistance or learn more about these efforts, please visit our community giving website.

We are tremendously grateful for our workforce, providers and community partners who are coming together to further serve our members during this challenging time. Finally, I want to remind all of us to take care of ourselves and our loved ones during this time of uncertainty.

Stay well,
Эрик К. Хантер

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